Internet & Networks

Access the Internet and specialized networks through wired and WiFi connections.

Articles (34)

Pinned Article Eduroam: Connecting to Wireless Internet at Carleton

Instructions on how to connect your device to Eduroam, Carleton's wifi network.

Pinned Article The Carleton Guest Wifi Network: Getting Connected

How to connect to the wifi if you are a guest at the college.

Eduroam for Android: Getting Connected

Instructions on how to connect to Eduroam on Android phones

Eduroam for Apple computers: Getting connected

Instructions on how to connect to Eduroam on Apple computers

Eduroam for iOS (iPhone or iPad): Getting connected

Instructions on how to connect to Eduroam on iOS devices

Eduroam for Windows: Getting connected

Instructions on how to connect to Eduroam on Windows computers

Finding your Device’s MAC Address

Instructions on how to find a MAC address on a device.

WiFi: Connecting Smart Devices

Information on how Smart Devices work on Carleton's WiFi Network (Smart TVs, Smart light bulbs, alexa, siri, etc)

Wired (Ethernet): Registering your Device (especially for campus housing)

Instructions on how to connect a wired device to the ethernet or eduroam

Wrong Geolocation from IP Address

This is a current issue with getting the wrong geolocation from IP, so if you see Google insisting you are out of the country or defaulting to the wrong language.

Eduroam for ChromeOS: Getting connected

Instructions on how to connect to Eduroam on ChromeOS

WiFi: Connecting Wifi Devices That Have No Browsers

Instructions on how to connect gaming consoles, Smart TVs, and other devices with no browsers to Carleton's wifi network.