Service Catalog

Categories (10)

Report an Issue

Is something broken? Not working? Need help with a technical issue? Start here to request assistance with a problem.

Account & Login

Includes: passwords, two-factor authentication (Duo), Bitlocker, account access changes, and more.

Hardware & Software

Includes: desktops, laptops, printers, monitors, keyboards, mice, software, applications, and more.

Teaching, Learning, & Research

Includes: Moodle, language lesson, lecture capture (Panopto), instructional design, research queries, and more.

Communication & Collaboration

Includes: Gmail, Calendar, file storage (Drive, Dropbox), website, fax, telephone, and digital signage.

Network & Infrastructure

Includes: Eduroam, Carleton Guest, Ethernet, servers, and VMs.

Consulting & How To...

Request consulting or ask a "How To..." question.

Information Security

Report emails, report suspected malware or viruses, etc...

Professional Services

Includes: event support, media (e.g. video) production, media conversion, and scheduling of special technologies.

Admin Applications & Reports

Includes: Colleague and The Hub, Workday, Data Warehouse, OnBase, Salesforce, and other administrative applications.