Search59 Results

Services or Offerings?
Get help with account or login issues including passwords, Carleton accounts (single sign on), Duo two-factor authentication, and computer logins.

Request changes to existing accounts, account extension, early access, username changes, and more.

Get help with issues with projection, audio, the in-room computer, laptop connection cables, and more.

Get help with locked records, errors in reports or field values, Colleague or Hub access issues, proxy access problems, and more.

Request creation of reports, updates to columns or fields in reports, account access and permission changes, and more.

Request a future change to a computer lab or classroom technology.

Reserve rooms managed by ITS

Get help with exploratory questions or consultations to discuss ideas or options with ITS staff.

Fix disruptions to data exchange with Carleton administrative data and hosted services

Set up or update data exchange between Carleton administrative data and a hosted service

Get help with report errors, data quality or data refresh problems, and more.

Request access, added functionality, additional data or fields, or a consultation for the data warehouse

Get help with digital signage issues including display problems or lack of power.

Get help with Gmail, Google Calendar, Outlook, Mac Mail, syncing to mobile devices, and more.

Request access changes, addition of rooms to Google Calendar, email aliases for google groups, and more.