Consultation Request


For questions or requests including:

  • Academic or research consultation
  • CRUG NSF Research Cluster or High Power Computing requests
  • Technology and pedagogy or pedagogical ideas
  • Options for coordination and communication within and among teams (Google Workspace, Dropbox, LabArchives, Slack, etc)
  • Administrative application or business process consultation
  • File storage or file management consultation
  • Reviewing new software or application possibilities
  • How-to questions not answered in the knowledge base
  • Mobile application development

Common request descriptions:

  • I would like to do X but I'm not sure how.
  • I need to preserve my data for my publication, where can I publish the data?
  • Are there resources for Data Management Plan preparations?
  • We are considering using this application and would like ITS to take a look.
  • My research requires special technology and I'd like to learn how to support it.
  • I would like to talk to somebody in IT about my research and my classes.
  • What pedagogy should I consider when using clickers or iPads in the classroom?
  • Is there a better way to do this process?
  • My research team wants to develop a mobile app - who can we talk to?

More Information


For time-sensitive questions, please call the ITS helpdesk (contact information at for help routing your question.

Please allow at least two weeks notice for consultations, to provide time for scheduling and any necessary research.

Please allow at least two months for many deliverables, a reasonable timeline for end products will be established during the consultation.

Preparing for a Consultation

Before filling out this form, and prior to meeting for a consultation, gathering details for your meeting will help both you and ITS prepare for the conversation.  Helpful details include:

  • Timeline: will this be ongoing or one-time, and if so, when?
  • Purpose: is this for teaching, research, or administrative purposes, for example?
  • Scope: will this be just you, a Carleton group or department, shared outside of Carleton?
  • Examples: if you have drawings, outlines, examples from other schools, or sample products, be sure to include or attach them.

Specific Consultation Details

Academic or Research Data Management: Faculty planning a class, assignment, or research project can consult local specialists about data-related questions such as using local infrastructure, planning workflows, and acquiring datasets and data collections for the library. Students pursuing independent research also have access to the local network of support to make their project successful.

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