If possible, Forget any previous version of the eduroam WiFi connection on your device
Connect your device to the Carleton Guest wireless network
In your browser, go to the eduroam Configuration Assistant Tool (CAT)
Click the blue button that says Click here to download your eduroam installer
When asked to select your Home Institution, choose "Carleton College U.S.A."
Click the blue button to download the installer for your specific device
In the Chrome browser, enter the following URL: chrome://network#general
Under the Import ONC File heading, click on Choose File.
Browse to the configuration file that you downloaded, and click Open.
Click on the WiFi icon and connect to eduroam. A white box should appear on your screen.
The Certificate field should already be filled in with “Carleton…” If not, repeat the above steps again
Enter your Carleton credentials, remembering to use your full Carleton email address in the Identity field.
Click Connect and in a few seconds you should be connected to eduroam.