Wrong Geolocation from IP Address

This is a current issue with getting the wrong geolocation from IP, so if you see Google insisting you are out of the country or defaulting to the wrong language.

How to Change the Region to Get it Functioning

To change the default region of any country domain to get it to function correctly:

Firefox (click to show/hide):
  1. From the Google Search homepage, go to Settings > Search settings
    1. Other settings > Language
    2. Language and region > Results language and region.
  2. Under Results language filter, select the languages you want.
  3. Under Results region, be sure to select a specific country. Do not use the default "Current region" - previous reports suggest that using "Current region" interferes with the Results language setting, and may even cause auto-translation.

Google Chrome (click to show/hide):
  1. Open the Google country domain you want to use for searching 
  2. Open Settings > Search settings
  3. Under Region Settings at the bottom of the page, select the region corresponding to the Google domain you're using
  4. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Save
  5. You may also have to change and save the Language settings.

If you’re signed in to your Google account, the region will be saved in your account. If you’re signed out, the region setting will be recorded in browser cookies.

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