Moodle: Flexible Sections Course Format

  1. There is no limit to the number of sections which can be added and removed as necessary
  2. Subsections can also be added inside other sections.
  3. Each section (regardless of its nesting level) can be expanded or collapsed.
  4. If teacher hides a section all nested sections and activities become hidden as well.
  5. If a section has both activities and subsections, activities are displayed first.

Configuring Flexible Sections Format

How to enable the format:

  1. Enter the Course Settings menu by the selecting Settings tab on the top bar of your course page
  2. Scroll to and expand the Format section.
  3. Open the drop-down menu next to the Format label, and select Flexible Sections.
  4. Click one of the Save buttons at the bottom of the page.

How to add subsections:

  1. Enable Edit Mode via the top-right corner of your page.
  2. Locate the section you would like to host the subsection.
  3. On the right of this section's name, locate the tricolon (icon).
  4. Click on it, and select Add subsection. This action may take a few moments to complete.

How to highlight a section:

Highlighting a section can help students locate the section of focus in your course, whether that be the week's topic or some section you'd like to highlight.

  1. Enable Edit Mode via the top-right corner of your page.
  2. Locate the section you would like to host the subsection.
  3. On the right of this section's name, locate the tricolon (icon).
  4. Click on it, and select Highlight section.


Below is an example of the Flexible sections format. This image contains 4 sections. Section 2 is expanded, with a subsection inside.
An example of the Flexible Sections format


If you need further assistance or have specific questions that aren't covered in this article, please don't hesitate to reach out for personalized support by submitting a Moodle Support ticket


Created by Carly Born, Fri 7/23/21. Last modified by Sam Johnson-Lacoss '24, Mon 11/28/23.

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