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    It is possible to change your text editor preferences to suit your needs!
    Learn about the text editor used across Moodle. This article lists the functions within the text editor, and highlights commonly used features such as the equation editor and table maker.
    Carleton pre-populates courses and enrollments into Moodle so that instructors do not have to do this.
    Understand how to create and use custom scales for grading assignments in Moodle.
    Instructors have the option of allowing students to download their course content from Moodle. This article serves as a guide for students to learn how to save the content provided by instructors.
    Use Assignments in Moodle for students’ social annotations and interactions with a reading or other source material. This article includes key options and configurations.
    Use Google Assignments in Moodle for student submissions via Google Apps (e.g. docs, slides, etc.). Grades implemented within Google Assignment will be synced to the Moodle gradebook. This article includes key options and configurations.
    This document serves as a guide for Instructors to set up a more advanced Moodle Quiz.
    How to edit multiple activities or modules simultaneously using Bulk Edit.
    For 2024-25 we are trying out a new tool called Poodll!  This tool focuses on audio and video recordings, and makes use of text-to-speech and voice-recognition technologies.  It also has a very deep integration with Moodle which makes it extremely flexible.
    Use Moodle assignments for student submissions via file uploads or text typed directly into Moodle. This article includes key options and configurations to consider as well as a guide to creating Google and assignments.
    How to make the gradebook available to students and use it to calculate grades according to your syllabus.
    Students, learn how to download material from the current academic year and/or request a copy of the assignment itself, (i.e. the part that a professor wrote).
    Groups and Groupings are an important part of class infrastructure. This guide will teach how to create Groups and Groupings and how to add users to Groups.