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Correcting insufficient color-contrast of text using Adobe Acrobat Pro
Learn how to create a backup/export of your Moodle course that you can download to either archive or transfer to another Moodle server.
Learn how to submit a student’s quiz attempt for them automatically without reopening the entire quiz.
Students, learn how to download material from the current academic year and/or request a copy of the assignment itself, (i.e. the part that a professor wrote).
The Gradebook in Moodle is hidden to students by default and will need to be made visible once it's ready to be seen. This article will explain briefly how to make your gradebook visible.
Group overrides are useful for granting extensions whether it's for students with accommodations or you want a central location for submissions while varying groups of students have different due dates for their project. In this article, learn how to create group overrides within a Moodle assignment.
Marking Workflows are useful if you want to control a student’s ability to see their grades and feedback within an assignment.
How to include a submission agreement with Moodle Assignment
Carleton pre-populates courses and enrollments into Moodle so that instructors do not have to do this.
By default, the course overview block shows current courses (in progress) a user is enrolled in. Anyone in Moodle can customize the course overview block to suit their preferences.
Learn how to copy a previous course into a new course shell in order to reuse course materials.
This article describes the several roles and their permissions at Moodle@Carleton.
How to add and edit blocks within Moodle Dashboard and course pages
A guide to setting up a Moodle quiz including a run-down of common question types
How to make the gradebook available to students and use it to calculate grades according to your syllabus.