Moodle: Quiz - Advanced Settings

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This document serves as a guide for Instructors to set up a more advanced Moodle Quiz. For more information on getting started with the Quiz activity, see the Quiz Basic Guide.

Advanced Timing

  1. Click Show more… to see additional options
  2. Make a selection for When time expires:
    1. If a student is actively working on a quiz when time expires, it is automatically submitted
    2. If the student is logged out, then open attempts can either be submitted automatically (default), not be counted, or given a grace period
      1. The grace period allows for attempts to be submitted, but does not allow any more questions to be answered


In addition to Attempts allowed, you can choose the Grade to pass (the gradebook highlights pass grades in green and fail grades in red), and the Grading method when multiple attempts are made.

The options for Grading method are:

  1. Highest grade: best grade of all attempts
  2. Average grade: mean grade of all attempts
  3. First attempt: ignores all following attempts
  4. Last attempt: ignores all preceding attempts


  1. Navigation method changes the way students are allowed to progress through a quiz
    1. Free gives students the option to return to previous pages and skip ahead
    2. Sequential forces students to progress through the quiz in order
  2. Click Show more… to see the New page option, which sets a cutoff of questions on a page before a new page is created

Question Behavior

Adaptive mode (with and without penalties), Deferred feedback, Immediate feedback, and Manually graded are all described in the Basic Guide. Less common options are described below:

Certainty-based marking (CBM)

In addition to answering the question, the student indicates a level of certainty (Unsure: <67%, Mid: >67%, Quite Sure: >80%)

  • Note: Answers with high certainty will receive the most marks if correct, but will carry a higher penalty if incorrect. Below is an example of scores associated certainty levels

CBM Accuracy

CBM is still used, but does not affect the actual grade. Instead, a bonus is applied to the overall accuracy to give extra information about how the student performed. 

  1. For example, consider a student that attempted a two-question quiz, getting one question correct with C=2, and one question incorrect with C=3
    1. Under typical CBM, this gives a score of -4/2 = -something double check
    2. The Average CBM mark is -2, from which the CBM bonus of -25% is calculated
    3. Without taking certainties into account, the average mark would be 0.5. The CBM bonus measures the distance between this average and the average CBM mark
    4. The bonus applied to the accuracy results in a CB accuracy of 25%
      1. Note: in this case the resulting grade is the accuracy (50%), not the CB accuracy
  2. CBM and CBM Accuracy can both be used with immediate or deferred feedback

Interactive with multiple tries

This mode is similar to Adaptive mode, in that students can check their answer for each question and try again. The main difference is that hints can be displayed each time a question is answered incorrectly.

  1. The number of tries a student gets for each question is determined by the number of hints given under the Multiple tries section when editing a question
  2. After enough incorrect answers, the question is just graded as incorrect, and feedback is shown. This can be changed to give students another chance at the question, by clicking Show more…  and setting Allow redo within an attempt to Yes, provide the option to try another question

Warning: For Adaptive and Interactive modes to give feedback, the Specific feedback and/or Whether correct boxes must be checked (setting located under Review options > During the attempt). Hints are classified under Specific feedback and will not display if this box is not checked.

Review Options

For each point in the quiz, you can configure the visibility of the following:

  1. The attempt: The attempt itself (questions and answers) can be made hidden after the quiz is submitted. Hiding the attempt will hide everything but Marks and Overall feedback
  2. Whether correct: Any text to convey “Correct”, “Partially correct”, or “Incorrect”, and any highlighting
  3. Marks: the numeric score for each question, and the total score
  4. Specific feedback: Any feedback that depends on the answer selected (this includes hints!)
  5. General feedback: Feedback shown after a question is answered, regardless of the answer
  6. Right answer: Automatically generated summary of the correct answer 
  7. Overall feedback: Feedback given at the end of the attempt. This is not specific to a question and can depend on the student’s overall score


  1. Decimal places in grades: The level of precision in the display of grades. Note that this only affects the appearance, not the level of precision in calculations and storing of grades
  2. Click Show more… for the following:
    1. Show the user’s picture: Shows the name and picture of the user during the attempt, to ensure they are logged in as themselves (this is shown in the block drawer)
    2. Decimal places in marks for questions: Defaults to the same as overall grade (as configured above), but can be set to a specific number as well
    3. Show blocks during quiz attempts: If enabled, displays the blocks that are configured for a quiz attempt page, in the block drawer

Extra restrictions on attempts

  1. Require password: Any text can be entered here, and it will be saved as a password that must be entered by students in order to attempt the quiz
  2. Click Show more… for the following:
  3. Require network address: A comma-separated list of partial of full IP addresses can be entered to restrict access to particular subnets
  4. Enforced delay between 1st and 2nd attempts: If enabled, students cannot make a second attempt after a specified amount of time has passed since the first attempt
  5. Enforced delay between later attempts: Applies to third and later attempts
  6. Browser security: You can select “Full screen pop-up with some JavaScript security” for some additional restrictions on student activity during quizzes

Overall Feedback

Overall feedback is text that is shown after a quiz is attempted. You can specify grade boundaries and have different feedback for each boundary. Click Add 3 more feedback fields for spaces to create more grade boundaries.

Common Module Settings

  1. Availability: The quiz can be hidden or shown, or it can be hidden but available by link
  2. ID number: This can be set in the gradebook, but can only be changed in the settings page. It’s not necessary to have an ID number, but this provides a way to identify the quiz for grade calculation or custom reporting
  3. Force language: Sets the language of the quiz environment to whatever is selected
  4. Include in course content download: Sets whether the name and description of the quiz is included in the zip file download
  5. Group mode: Decide whether or not students can work in groups, and whether they can see the works of other groups

Learn more

For more information about Moodle quizzes, please visit the Quizzing section of the Moodle Micro-Skill Tutorials course or watch the video guide on Moodle Quizzing


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Created by Charlie Roslansky ‘24, 12/14/2023

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