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    How to make the gradebook available to students and use it to calculate grades according to your syllabus.
    Groups and Groupings are an important part of class infrastructure. This guide will teach how to create Groups and Groupings and how to add users to Groups.
    This article provides a general introduction to the Course Setting of a Moodle course.
    Learn the different ways you can change the look and feel of your Moodle course page.
    This article describes the Weekly course format in Moodle and how to configure it.
    Learn how to create a backup/export of your Moodle course that you can download to either archive or transfer to another Moodle server.
    Learn how to copy a previous course into a new course shell in order to reuse course materials.
    This course format allows for collapsable and nestable sections.
    The Buttons Course Format in Moodle shows one section at a time, and uses button icons to select the viewed section.
    The Topics Course Format in Moodle is very similar to the Weekly course format.  It is configured for our 10-week term, and the section titles are labeled Topic 1, Topic 2, etc.
    An intuitive UI design with special options for visual accessibility.
    LearnR is the default theme for Moodle 4.2. This article gives a tour of the theme.
    Carleton Boost was the default Moodle theme before the summer 2022 upgrade. This article will give an overview of Carleton Boost.
    How to add and edit blocks within Moodle Dashboard and course pages
    By default, the course overview block shows current courses (in progress) a user is enrolled in. Anyone in Moodle can customize the course overview block to suit their preferences.