Learn the basics in Moodle

Articles (15)

Pinned Article Moodle Dashboard

Understand and customize your Moodle Dashboard

Pinned Article Moodle: Import Course Materials

Learn how to copy a previous course into a new course shell in order to reuse course materials.

Moodle Assignment Submission Statement

How to include a submission agreement with Moodle Assignment

Moodle: Assignment Basics

Use Moodle assignments for student submissions via file uploads or text typed directly into Moodle. This article includes key options and configurations to consider as well as a guide to creating Google and Hypothes.is assignments.

Moodle: Configuring Course Overview block

By default, the course overview block shows current courses (in progress) a user is enrolled in. Anyone in Moodle can customize the course overview block to suit their preferences.

Moodle: Editing your Moodle Profile

Learn how to edit your profile in Moodle.

Moodle: Group Overrides in Assignments

Group overrides are useful for granting extensions whether it's for students with accommodations or you want a central location for submissions while varying groups of students have different due dates for their project. In this article, learn how to create group overrides within a Moodle assignment.

Moodle: Making grades visible to students

The Gradebook in Moodle is hidden to students by default and will need to be made visible once it's ready to be seen. This article will explain briefly how to make your gradebook visible.

Moodle: Setting up a Questionnaire

Understand how to create a Questionnaire activity on Moodle, as well as how to format your questions.

Moodle: Text Editor

Learn about the text editor used across Moodle. This article lists the functions within the text editor, and highlights commonly used features such as the equation editor and table maker.

Moodle: Text Editor Preferences

It is possible to change your text editor preferences to suit your needs!

Moodle: Course Settings

This article provides a general introduction to the Course Setting of a Moodle course.

Moodle: Course Themes and Formats

Learn the different ways you can change the look and feel of your Moodle course page.

Moodle: Setting up the Gradebook

How to make the gradebook available to students and use it to calculate grades according to your syllabus.

Moodle: Working with Media

An overview of using photos, videos, and audio in Moodle.