Service Catalog

Categories (10)

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Account & Login

For account and login issues, help with passwords, Google 2-step and temporary re-activation or deactivation of email.

Hardware & Software

Service offerings related to ordering, installing and maintaining computers, printers and software on campus.

Teaching, Learning, & Research

Service offerings related to Moodle, classroom recording (Panopto), class instruction, DiSCO resources, & DiSCO room reservations.

Communication and Collaboration

Google apps, St. Olaf website, telephone, file storage, video conferencing and Carousel.

Network & Infrastructure

Network issues, ethernet activation requests, wireless, and RStudio server.

Consulting & How To...

For consultations and requests on how to do a task

Information Security

Spam/virus issues, blocked website, and security training.

Professional Services

Instruction request, drone requests and specialty printing requests.

Administrative Applications & Reporting

Service offerings related to Lawson, R25, Perceptive Content (ImageNow), Raiser's Edge, Slate, CS Gold, PowerFAIDS