New Employee Hardware and Software Request


Select "Request Service" and fill out the form to request hardware and software for a new employee. 

For computers, we offer the following standard laptops:

  • Windows: Lenovo Thinkpad
  • MacOS:  Macbook Pro

If different equipment is required, please note this on the form. *NOTE* there is no guarantee of a new computer.

If needed, you may request a monitor (current size of our desk displays are 24”), keyboard and mouse to compliment the laptop. Please note this on the form. 

For software, our standard setup includes:

  • Microsoft Office
  • Google Chrome
  • Mozilla Firefox

If additional software is required, please note this on the form. Depending on the software and licensing, additional costs might be incurred by your department. 

Telephone Requests

For new phone requests, please fill out the Telephone Request form. 

Request Service

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