Moodle: Grading with a Marking Workflow


Marking Workflows are useful if you want to control a student’s ability to see their grades and feedback within an assignment.

The marking workflow serves two primary functions:

  1. Releasing assignment grades and feedback to all students at the same time
  2. Coordinating and reviewing grades made by TAs, Graders, or other instructors

Initial Setup

When creating a Moodle Assignment,

  1. Go into the Assignment Settings
  2. Scroll down and expand the Grade section
  3. Next to the Use marking workflow option, choose Yes
  4. Click one of the Save buttons

Grading Interface

Grade as you normally would within an assignment but make sure the Marking workflow state is NOT set to Released. Any status, Not marked, In marking, Marking completed, In review, and Ready for release, perfectly fine to use as you are entering grades.

 Once you are ready to show the grades to students,

  1. Go to View all submissions within the assignment
  2. Check the checkbox under the Select label
  3. Scroll down until you reach With selected...
  4. Within that dropdown menu, choose Set marking workflow state and click the Go button
     A pop up will appear, just click OK
  5. Scroll down the page to set the Marking workflow state as Released
  6. You can choose to Notify students (yes or no)
  7. Then click the Save changes button


If you need further assistance or have specific questions that aren't covered in this article, please don't hesitate to reach out for personalized support by submitting a Moodle Support ticket


Created by Em Palencia 3/8/2024

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