Moodle: Downloading your Gradebook


Moodle has several options available to download a copy of your gradebook. Follow the steps below to download the desired file type of your gradebook.

Excel Spreadsheet

  1. Open your Moodle course and access the gradebook
  2. On the first row of tabs, click the Export tab
  3. On the second row of tabs, click the Excel spreadsheet tab
  4. In the Grade items to be included section, you can check/uncheck grade items to be included in your downloaded file
  5. In the Export format options section, you can check/uncheck the following:
    • Include feedback in export
    • Exclude suspended users
    • Grade export display types: Real (number format), Percentage, Letter
    • Grade export decimal places (0-5)
  6. Once you've made your selections, click the blue Download button

Here is an example of an Excel Spreadsheet from Em's Testing course.

OpenDocument Spreadsheet

  1. Open your Moodle course and access the gradebook
  2. On the first row of tabs, click the Export tab
    Moodle will automatically default to the OpenDocument Spreadsheet tab
  3. In the Grade items to be included section, you can check/uncheck grade items to be included in your downloaded file
  4. In the Export format options section, you can check/uncheck the following"
    • Include feedback in export
    • Exclude suspended users
    • Grade export display types: Real (number format), Percentage, Letter
    • Grade export decimal places (0-5)
  5. Once you've made your selections, click the blue Download button

Here is an example of an OpenDocument Spreadsheet from Em's Testing course.

Plain Text File

Note: This file type downloads as a .csv

  1. Open your Moodle course and access the gradebook
  2. On the first row of tabs, click the Export tab
  3. On the second row of tabs, click the Plain text file tab
  4. In the Grade items to be included section, you can check/uncheck grade items to be included in your downloaded file
  5. In the Export format options section, you can check/uncheck the following"
    • Include feedback in export
    • Exclude suspended users
    • Grade export display types: Real (number format), Percentage, Letter
    • Grade export decimal places (0-5)
    • Separator: Tab, Comma, Colon, or Semicolon
  6. Once you've made your selections, click the blue Download button

Here is an example of a Plain text file (tab separated) from Em's Testing course.


If you need further assistance or have specific questions that aren't covered in this article, please don't hesitate to reach out for personalized support by submitting a Moodle Support ticket


Created by Em Palencia, 5/24/23.

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