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    Office moves or printer replacements sometimes require new printer drivers to be added to your Mac. This page provides the details you need to install a printer driver.
    Office moves or printer replacements sometimes require a new printer to be added to your Mac. This page provides the details you need to install a printer.
    How to enable stapling when printing to Canon printers via macOS
    How to change a printer's default print settings on Windows 10
    How to change printing settings/presets on macOS such as 1-sided (simplex) and 2-sided (duplex) printing and color vs. grayscale printing for Xerox printers
    Instructions on how to secure print using a Xerox printer
    Instructions on how guests at Carleton can print
    Instructions on how to copy a document using a printer
    How to change printing settings/presets on macOS such as 1-sided (simplex) and 2-sided (duplex) printing and color vs. grayscale printing for Canon printers