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    Instructions on how to get and install Foldit.
    This page includes links to Microsoft’s documentation as well as other places to get help at Carleton.
    This page is an overview of Adobe licensing at Carleton College. This page covers who has a license and how to request a license.
    This page includes instructions on how to install SPSS and create an account for it.
    Instructions on how to fix common issues that occur after the macOS upgrade.
    Instructions on how to upgrade your macOS
    Instructions on how to check and prepare your computer's disk for the macOS upgrade
    This article provides a quick introduction to Adobe Applications at Carleton College.
    Instructions to preparing your computer for upgrading and starting the upgrade
    Your Adobe ID is the email address you use to access your Adobe applications, through Carleton, this will be your Carleton email address. An Adobe ID is needed to activate and register Adobe products.