Moodle: Assignment Basics


Use Moodle assignments for student submissions via file uploads or text typed directly into Moodle. This article includes key options and configurations to consider as well as a guide to creating Google and assignments.

Creating a Moodle Assignment

  1. Enable Edit mode in the bar of the course page
  2. Click Add an activity or resource on the desired section of the page
  3. Find or search and select Assignment
    1. Tip: For easier access in the future, star this item
  4. Title your assignment in the Assignment name text box
  5. Configure the settings (see below)
  6. Click the Save and display button

Important settings 

Moodle activities, including assignment, have an extensive list of settings available. Below are just highlights to get started. Explore other settings by clicking the (?) icon next to each option.

Description vs Activity Instructions

  • Description: The description you enter for the assignment will appear when one opens the assignment. You can choose whether to display the description on the course page. 
  • Activity Instructions: The instruction for the assignment will be visible when the student attempts the assignment. The activity instructions should contain what you want the student to do for the assignment. 


  • Allow submissions from: Set an opening date/time for the assignment
  • Due date: Set a date/time after which submissions will be marked late
  • Cut-off date: Set a date/time after which submissions will no longer be accepted
  • Time Limit: Set the amount of time you want the student to take on the assignment. A countdown timer will start when the assignment is opened. 

Submission types

  • Online text: Students submit text typed directly into Moodle
  • File submissions: Students upload and submit files from their computers
    • Accepted file types: Limit which files can be submitted by clicking the Choose button. Click the checkbox next to the category name to accept all file types or click Expand to select specific file types within said category

Feedback types

  • Feedback comments: Write feedback comments in a text box
  • Feedback files: Upload a feedback file (often professors will upload a marked up PDF of student submissions)


Learn more about Moodle grading in this Moodle: Setting up the Gradebook article.


Submit a Moodle Support ticket.


Created by Aleksander Prasolov '24, updated by Paul Claudel Izabayo ‘25, 11/14/2023. 


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