Moodle: Group Overrides in Assignments


Group overrides are useful for granting extensions whether it's for students with accommodations or you want a central location for submissions while varying groups of students have different due dates for their project. Learn how to create group overrides within a Moodle assignment using the instructions below.

Initial Setup

Before adjusting assignment settings, you must first create Groups and Groupings. Follow the instructions in this article Moodle: Groups and Groupings before moving on to the next step.

Assignment Overrides

Now, that you have groups and a grouping created, you can create group overrides.

Assignment Settings

  1. In your Moodle course, you can either
    1. create a Moodle assignment and add necessary details
    2. go the Settings of an existing assignment
  2. Expand the Group submission settings section
  3. Next to Students submit in groups, click the drop down menu and select Yes
  4. Next to Grouping for student groups, click the drop down menu and select the desired grouping
  5. Optional settings:
    1. Require group to make submission (Yes/No): If yes, students who are not in a group cannot make submissions
    2. Require all group members submit (Yes/No): If yes, all students within a group must make a submission before the group submission is considered as Submitted. If no, once any member of the makes a submission, all members of that group will have the same submission
  6. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Save and display

Group Overrides

  1. Within the assignment page, click the More tab and select Overrides
  2. Click into the User overrides drop down menu and select Group overrides
  3. Click the Add group override button
  4. Next to Override group, click into the drop down menu and select the desired group
  5. Adjust any of the following settings:
    1. Allow submissions from
    2. Due date
    3. Cut-off date
    4. Time limit
  6. Once you are finished, choose one of the following options to continue:
    1. Click Save if you are done create group overrides
    2. Click Save and enter another override if you want to create more group overrides. Then click Save on your last override


If you need further assistance or have specific questions that aren't covered in this article, please don't hesitate to reach out for personalized support by submitting a Moodle Support ticket


Created by Em Palencia 3/26/2024.

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