Moodle: Course Completion

Tags moodle

Course completion is similar to Activity Completion, but it can be configured to account for a number of different criteria to be met before the course is considered complete.

For example, the Chemistry department is required to provide lab safety training for all students. They have a Chemistry Safety Training Moodle course that is configured to be marked as 'Complete' when those enrolled finish the required training. In addition, the individual courses are configured to show the completion status of the Chemistry Safety Training course.

To configure Course Completion settings, do the following: 

  1. Click on the Course Management button in the banner of your Moodle course.

  2. Then, click Edit course completion settings

  3. You can choose the criteria for which you will consider your course complete, Options include:

    1. Completion or one or many of the activities on your course

    2. Completion of another course(s) on this server

    3. Date

    4. Enrollment Duration

    5. Course grade (on this course)

    6. Manual self-completion (students can indicate their own completion)

    7. Manual completion by others (e.g. the Teacher or TAs)

  4. After you have chosen all the conditions you would like to apply, click Save changes. 

To view the Course completion report,

  1. Click the Course management button () on the top left corner of the Moodle page

  2. Under User Links, choose Course Completion.

You will have a list of all course participants and the conditions you set for this course's completion. If a criteria has been completed by a student, a box will be checked under the criteria name in the same row as the student's name. 

Note: For quizzes that require a passing grade to be marked as complete, a green check indicates a passing grade and a red check indicates a non-passing grade. 


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Article ID: 154128
Thu 9/7/23 9:27 AM
Thu 9/7/23 9:27 AM