Carleton Computer Replacement Policy

Individual Systems

  • The primary computer for each faculty/staff member is on a four year replacement cycle funded by ITS. Replacements may be deferred for up to one year if needed.

    1. If a computer fails before its replacement date, ITS will attempt to repair if possible but may replace it. The replacement may be a new or used machine depending on availability. If replaced, the replacement cycle will be adjusted based on the age of the newer computer. 

  • The default primary computer for faculty and staff is a laptop. Requests for desktops will be considered.

  • Employees may specify a preference for Windows or a Mac though that preference may be superseded by departmental needs.

  • Employees may be assigned new or used computers depending on availability.

  • Machines used primarily by student workers are generally on a five year replacement cycle. 

  • Machines in public and departmental labs are generally on a four year replacement cycle.

Other Systems

  • All computing hardware purchases made with college funds (including PDA and grant funds) should be made through ITS. Computing hardware includes, but is not always limited to: computers, printers, monitors, hard drives, scanners, and other accessories.

  • Equipment purchased with PDA’s, grant, and start-up funds are College owned property, tracked in inventory, and insured by the College. 

  • Computers purchased with faculty start-up funds will typically be replaced by ITS once, after a regular period of four years of use. This will cover needs for a period of eight years (typically past tenure decisions), after which these computers, if needed, will have to be replaced by a source other than ITS (e.g. external grants). Professional Development Account (PDA) funds may be used for this purpose. A request, indicating the availability of such funds, must be made to ITS.

  • Computers purchased with research grants (NSF, NIH, etc.) are the responsibility of the Principal Investigator. These computers will not be automatically replaced by ITS. PDA funds may be used to replace computers purchased with external research grants. A request, indicating the availability of such funds, must be made to ITS.

  • Computers purchased with internal or educational grants: Faculty applying for grants should work with ITS during the grant application process. Approved grants that will develop into teaching labs/spaces may be put on a 4-6+ year replacement cycle (and this commitment will be periodically reviewed). If a system replacement is granted, the replacement may be with used equipment available at ITS. 

  • Other systems:

    1. Systems that are critical to teaching (e.g. those linked to specific instruments) that are not on a planned replacement cycle may be replaced with used equipment when the equipment fails.

    2. Systems connected to specialized science instrumentation pose special problems for long-term replacement since the instrumentation often doesn’t support newer computer hardware or software. In addition, the high cost of the instrumentation hinders upgrading it to be compatible with new computers, further complicating the issue. ITS will make reasonable attempts to replace such hardware if needed, but cannot guarantee it will be able to provide appropriate equipment. Faculty using such equipment will need to work with the instrument manufacturer to replace such hardware.

    3. Systems where the operating system cannot be upgraded and anti-virus software cannot be installed pose a security risk and, therefore, must be firewalled or disconnected from the network.

    4. When a computer is due for replacement, a faculty or staff member may require/request hardware specifications beyond the standard currently used by ITS, and may have the funds, whether intra- or extra-mural (PDA included) to pay for this upgrade. In that case the faculty or staff member must submit a request as part of the regular departmental request process to ITS. Once purchased, the computer will enter the regular replacement cycle. However, ITS will not pay to replace the upgraded component in the future.  For more information on the request process, please visit

Questions regarding this policy should be directed to the Hardware Asset Manager (Locke Perkins).
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