Computer Replacement/Deployment Appointments

Scheduling your deployment

When ITS Notifies you that your computer is ready we will contact you to setup an appointment for the deployment.

  • Most deployments will occur at the ITS Helpdesk on the main floor of the CMC, though limited appointments are available for IT to come meet you in your office.
  • During your appointment we will discuss delivery/pickup of other peripherals (monitor, keyboard, laptop stand, etc.) as needed.
  • Deployments usually take 30-45 minutes.

What to expect during your appointment

  1. You'll connect to eduroam on the new device
  2. You'll connect to the GlobalProtect VPN on your new device
  3. We'll add any printers (link opens in a new tab) you normally use so that you can print to them from your new device
  4. You'll connect Adobe Creative Cloud on your new device, if you have a license (link opens in a new tab)
  5. Reset the administrative password for your device.
  6. We'll discuss data transfer options from your old device to your new device.
  7. Quite possibly we'll have other things to discuss or configure, but it all depends on the individual user!

After your deployment

Depending on what we discussed regarding peripherals and data transfers, we may be coming to your office directly after the appointment, or you may need to schedule another appointment. In either case we'll plan to follow up after about a week to see how things are going.

If you're a current faculty or staff member we'll want to coordinate getting your old device recovered by ITS. However, this will only happen once you've confirmed you've been able to transfer all the data you need.

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