Printing: Troubleshooting Printing Issues

With recent changes to Carleton's print servers, you may experience new issues with printing.

Troubleshooting Steps

Here are some things to check before contacting the ITS Helpdesk

  1. Check that the printer you are using is turned on
  2. Restart your computer

What Information to give the Helpdesk

  • What computer you are printing from
  • The OS of your computer (e.g. MacOS 11, MacOS 12, Windows 10, Windows 11, etc.)
  • What printer you are printing to (including the model if you can)
  • If this a printer that you have used before, or if are you trying to add a new printer
  • How you log in to your computer (e.g. fshiller, loaner, psycstudent, etc.)

Troubleshooting Steps for ITS CarlTechs

Windows machines: check the machine in

  • Do they have the PointandPrintSettings installed? (Available via self service)
  • Do they have the Canon/HP driver installed? (Available via self service)
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