Moodle Dashboard Shows Incorrect Course Pages

As the academic calendar progresses, older Moodle pages may appear on the dashboard or there may be multiple course pages that are not needed.

There can be 2 reasons for this:

  1. In the Course Overview dropdown is set to either Past or Future courses. To switch this to the current list of courses, click on the dropdown and change this to In progress. Additional information on this can be found in the Moodle Dashboard Overview article.
  2. Start and End dates for the courses control visibility on the Dashboard. If the End Date has not passed, the course will still appear as a current.

Check the Course Dates

This process can be done by anyone with Teacher role permissions to the course. If you do not have Teacher role permissions, reference the next section of the article.

Start dates are generated by the system to follow the academic calendar in SIS. These dates can be updated to any preference based on when the course should be made available to students.

To check the course dates, click on the Moodle page. Click on the Configuration Wheel and select Edit settings.

In the General settings, locate the Course start date and Course end date.

To move the Moodle course to Past courses, check the Enable checkbox and set the Course end date to be yesterday or any past date.

  • Example: Today is March 30, 2022. To move the course to the past, set it for any date previous to March 29, 2022.

To move the Moodle course from Future to In Progress courses, update the Course start date to today.

Hiding/Unhiding Courses

If you do not have permissions to adjust the course date, courses can be hidden or unhidden on the Moodle Dashboard. For additional information, see Moodle Dashboard Overview article.

On the Moodle Dashboard, click on the 3 dots for the course you want to edit and select Remove from view.

Unhiding Courses

To retrieve the course back on the Dashboard, click on the Course overview dropdwon and select Remove from view.

Click on the 3 dots and choose Restore to view.

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