Wireless Networks (WiFi) at St. Olaf
St. Olaf operates two wireless networks: eduroam and St. Olaf Guest:
- eduroam is a secure, authenticated wireless network that works on campus and allows seamless roaming to other higher education and research institutions. St. Olaf users are strongly encouraged to use the eduroam wireless network. This wireless network is secured, encrypted and provides access to the Internet and all St. Olaf computing resources i.e. printing.
- St. Olaf Guest is for use by guests of the college. It can also be used by some devices (e.g. game consoles) that are unable to connect to the eduroam wireless network.
eduroam - Personal Devices
To connect your personal device to eduroam, please follow the how-to links below:
eduroam - St. Olaf Computers
St. Olaf computers are setup to automatically connect to eduroam. If you are having issues, please fill out a Network Issue form for additional help.
MacOS: Logging into a Mac computer is similar to signing into any Google service: simply enter your St. Olaf email, password, and 2-step.
Windows: Log in with your full email address, which is the method of authentication that eduroam uses.
- Logging into your computer with your full email address will not impact your connectivity here on campus, just off campus at other institutions that use eduroam.
- If you’ve never logged into your Windows computer with your full email address (or if you aren’t sure if you have), at the sign-on screen please choose “Other User.” This will give you a username field to enter your full email address.
- If your Windows laptop goes to sleep and wakes up at a different institution, you will need to select the “eduroam_reconnect” wireless network. Please sign on with your full St. Olaf email address and password. Your computer should remember this preference (at the institution). If not, you’ll need to do this each time.
St. Olaf Guest WiFi
If you are a guest of the college coming from other eduroam participating institutions, your computer should automatically connect to the ‘eduroam’ wireless network. If prompted, use your home institution’s credentials to connect to eduroam. Please make sure you configure and test your connection at your home institution before visiting.
For all other guests and visitors, please connect to the ‘St. Olaf Guest’ wireless network.
Home Assistance, Smart Plugs, other IoT Devices
There are a multitude of devices within the category of IoT - Internet of Things. This could include:
- Home Assistance i.e. Amazon Echo or Alexa, Google Home Mini
- Smart plugs or lights
- Streaming devices i.e. Amazon Fire TV Stick (firestick), Roku, Chromecast
As a general rule, if your device has 'Discover' or 'Find' or 'Automatic' it likely will not work on eduroam or St. Olaf Guest. These devices are designed for home networks, and generally don't work on an enterprise level network. IT continues to review and explore options.
Steps to Connect to eduroam
Windows - personal device
Steps to install eduroam on a personal Windows device:
- Connect to the St. Olaf Guest WiFi
- Then download and run the appropriate Windows installer (see Attachments section on the right or below, depending on your browser). When asked for your username, please enter your full St. Olaf email address (username@stolaf.edu).
MacOS - personal device
Steps to install eduroam on a personal MacOS device:
- Download and run the MacOS installer (see Attachments section on the right or below, depending on your browser).
- When asked for your username, please enter your full St. Olaf email address (username@stolaf.edu).
Steps to install eduroam on an iOS device:
- Make sure you are using Safari
- Download and run the iOS installer (see Attachments section on the right or below, depending on your browser).
- When asked for your username, please enter your full St. Olaf email address (username@stolaf.edu).
Android 11+
For Android 11+, please follow these steps:
- Install the geteduroam app from the Google Play store or click here.

- Open the geteduroam app
- Search for and find our institution, St. Olaf College (it might take a couple minutes....wait for it!):

- Sign into eduroam using your email address i.e. <username>@stolaf.edu and your St. Olaf password.
- You are connected! Use eduroam for secure internet and connection to resources like stoprint-personal.

Android 8 to 10
For Android 8 to 10, please follow these steps:
- Download the config file named "eduroam-android-8-10.eap-config" found in the Attachments section at the bottom of this page.
- Install the eduroam CAT app from the Google Play store or click here.
- Open the eduroam CAT app
- Select the Config file that you downloaded in step #1 by clicking the 3 dots in the top right corner, then Select Config File and locate the new eduroam file.
- The page slides in with a Configuration file summary. Select Install.
- Select Yes when asked "Are you sure you want to install the profile?" The file will install and it will send you back to the sign in page eduroam.
- Sign into eduroam using your email address i.e. <username>@stolaf.edu and your St. Olaf password.
- The Status might initially shows disconnected as it processes, but then it will show the connection state as True.
To connect to eduroam on your personal Linux device, download and run the appropriate installer (see Attachments section on the right or below, depending on your browser). When asked for your username, please enter your full St. Olaf email address (username@stolaf.edu).
Steps to install eduroam on a Chromebook:
- Open the Chrome browser.
- Visit cat.eduroam.org and download the configuration file (the website will detect your OS).
- Copy this URL address: chrome://network#general
- Open a new Chrome tab and paste the address from step 3.
- Under the “Import ONC file” section, tap “Choose File”.
- Navigate to the eduroam configuration file downloaded in step 2 and click Open. You will not notice anything; settings have been made silently.
- Select eduroam from the list of wireless networks.
- In the pop-up dialog box to "Join Wi-Fi network", most of the settings will auto-populate. In the Identify field, enter your St. Olaf email address. All other settings should look like the following:

- Select Connect.