How Zoom and Panopto and Moodle work together
A Zoom Pro account enables you to make cloud recordings of your Zoom sessions. For short term use, it is possible to leave your cloud recordings on Zoom and link directly to these recordings. However, the college pays for storage space in the Zoom cloud so we can’t promise to retain those recordings indefinitely. A better place for your recordings is the college’s media management system, Panopto. Placing your Zoom recordings on Panopto also offers additional functionality for such things as editing, adding captions, controlling access, searching within recordings, and using the recordings within a Moodle course.
The best way to get your Zoom cloud recordings into Panopto is to request automatic importation of the recordings into Panopto. Once you make your request, the importation will occur for all future recordings (importation is not retrospective). The imported recordings can later be moved into Panopto course folders or shared in multiple ways. You will find further detail on how Zoom Cloud recordings are presented in Panopto at this link. Panopto will, for example, incorporate Zoom-created captions, and preserve any in-meeting chat as a Discussion in Panopto.
You can request a Zoom Pro account, and the automatic importation of Zoom cloud recordings into Panopto at this link.
The Meeting Recordings folder on Panopto
Each time a Zoom cloud recording is transferred to Panopto, it goes into a folder in your account at called Meeting Recordings. Note that it may take a while processing in the Zoom cloud before it shows up in Panopto.
See the "Fine Tuning" section below for information on tweaking where Zoom recordings appear in Panopto, including a link to instructions on having recordings from repeating meetings go into specific course folders in Panopto.

You may want to use Settings to change the name of the recording to something more meaningful.

Moving the recording to a Course Folder
In many cases you will want to move your meeting recordings into folders for better organization, or into the relevant course folder if you want the recordings to appear in a specific Moodle course. A course folder is a special type of Panopto folder that is linked to a specific Moodle course. You cannot make a linked course folder simply by creating a folder and giving it the name of a Moodle course. Course folders are automatically created when you activate the Panopto linkage within the Moodle course. Here is a link to a fuller explanation of how Panopto works within Moodle, and how to create a course folder by activating Panopto within a course.
See this article for step-by-step instructions on moving videos in Panopto.
Fine tuning how Zoom meetings are imported into Panopto
You are not limited to using the automatically created Meeting Recordings folder to receive your automatically-imported Zoom recordings. It is possible to change the default location on Panopto where your recordings appear. It is also possible to set destinations for Zoom recordings with specific meeting IDs. This is useful if you have set up a Zoom meeting ID for an entire series of Zoom sessions related to a specific course. Different IDs can be pointed, for example, to different Panopto course folders. You will find detailed information in this Panopto support document.