There may be a variety of scenarios in which a participant will need to be manually added to a course. This could include:
- Adding students to a training course (not connected to SIS)
- Adding a guest, auditor, or for accreditation review
- Adding someone who can provide tutoring assistance with the course
Any courses that are tied to the Registrar (SIS) have a sync process to update course enrollment. This process runs every 3 hours in order to pick up any updates to the course list. If a student is added to a course, it is recommended to wait for the sync process to add that student to the Moodle page.
Adding a TA/Graders
TA/Graders should be added to the course through Account Services. For additional information, see Adding a TA to a Course.
Enrolling a Participant
To add a participant to a Moodle course, navigate to the side menu on the left and select Participants.

Below the configuration wheel, choose Enroll users.

The Enrollment options window will appear.
On this screen, you can search for your participants by using their names or email addresses. Multiple participants can be added at the same time.
After selecting the designated participant, you can assign a role by selecting the drop-down list and choosing the desired role.

Select Enroll users to save the changes.
The participant has now been added to your Moodle course.
Adding Users in Bulk
Moodle also allows those with enrollment privileges to enrol a list of users all at once. To do this, use the steps below:
From the Participants page, expand the drop-down menu (the default value is Enrolled users) and select User bulk enrollment.

On the User bulk enrollment page, copy and paste in a list of email addresses ( into the box and click Enroll users.

Adding Non-St. Olaf accounts
In most scenarios, we can grant Guest or "view only" access to Moodle for participants that are not from St. Olaf. Adding outside accounts to Moodle pages can potentially violate FERPA policies and expose student information.
In some cases, a Carleton account can be added to a course page because that user is an enrolled member of the course.
For information on adding Guests to Moodle, please contact the IT Helpdesk.