New Moodle Site Request


Moodle New Site Requests include:

  • a metacourse for multiple sections of a course
  • multiple metacourses separated by lecture and lab
  • a combined Moodle course with various instructors
  • a course not included in the list of registered courses

Common request descriptions:

  • "I am teaching span101.01.f19, span101.03.f19, and span101.05.f19. Can I have a metacourse with all these sections included?"
  • "Could you please create a new course in Moodle titled 2021 Externship Program?"
  • "We are starting to work on the CCCE Training Moodle for this year. Could you set up a Moodle course similar to last year's CCCE Fellows Training 20-21 moodle?"
  • "Could you please set up two metacourses for Bio 125, Winter Term 2023? Naming conventions below:
    Please include the following sections: biol125-52-w23, biol125-53-w23, biol125-59-w23"

More Information

When requesting a new course please be sure to include the following:

  • For meta-courses:
    • all course sections that should be included
    • title of each metacourse and metacourse short name
  • For non-registered courses:
    • title of the course and course short name

When possible, please include links to previous iterations of the course, especially this is an annual request.

New Moodle Site Request

Related Articles (2)

Carleton pre-populates courses and enrollments into Moodle so that instructors do not have to do this.
A guide to linking a metacourse to its corresponding courses

Attachments (0)

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