Troubleshooting: Windows Error says the Windows license is expiring soon


Windows presents you with an error message saying that your Windows license will expire soon.


For college-managed machines, you can resolve this issue by connecting to the college network (either by wired ethernet connection or by VPN) and leaving your computer connected until it has checked in with our licensing servers. We cannot predict how long that will take.

If you are not able to connect to the college network, you can safely ignore this message. Your computer will continue to function until you can connect to the network. You will not be locked out - you'll simply see the warning watermark in the corner.

Technician Notes: If the computer is on the VPN, you can use the K1000 to run: script -> Run Now -> Trigger Only 1168: (Win) KMS Activation. Else, while on VPN, run the following command line prompts as administrator: 

  1.  c:\windows\system32\slmgr.vbs /skms
  2. c:\windows\system32\slmgr.vbs /ato

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