CDW-G: Purchasing a Computer Using the Carleton Laptop Stipend

Carleton offers a laptop stipend for students with demonstrated financial need.

Select a Laptop

  1. Screenshot of Forgot Password pageVisit the CDW-G Portal (link opens in a new tab)
  2. Click Sign In at the top of the website
  3. Click Sign Into Your Account
  4. Unless you know your password, click Forgot Password to get a link that will allow you to reset your password:
    • Username: [your Carleton email address]
    • Email Address: [your Carleton email address]
  5. When you're in the portal, select Saves & Favorites from the navigation section
  6. Select Bundles
  7. Select the bundle you would like to purchase
    • The bundles with Base in the name will be available at no cost to you.

Purchase a Laptop Using Your Laptop Stipend ONLY

  1. Verify that the options are satisfactory on your selected bundle and then click Buy Now
  2. Enter your preferred shipping address
  3. Click Continue
  4. For Shipping Method, click Edit
  5. Select your delivery options
  6. Your Billing Address should be
    Carleton College (#13112310)
    1 N College St
    Northfield, MN 55057 4001
  7. Your Payment Method should be Net Terms
  8. In the P.O. Number/Description area, enter your Full Name in the Additional Details section.
  9. Click Review Your Order
  10. Then click Place Order

Purchase a Laptop Using Your Laptop Stipend Plus Personal Funds

  1. Verify that the options are satisfactory on your selected bundle and then click Buy Now
  2. Enter your preferred shipping address
  3. Click Continue
  4. Screenshot of billing informationFor Shipping Method, click Edit
  5. Select your delivery options
  6. Your Billing Address should be
    Carleton College (#13112310)
    1 N College St
    Northfield, MN 55057 4001
  7. Your Payment Method should be New Credit/Debit Card
  8. Enter your credit card information
    • Despite the warning, you will be able to complete this purchase even though your personal billing address and the billing address for this order do not match.
    • There will be a temporary hold on your credit card for the full amount of your purchase for up to 48 hours. CDW-G will refund the laptop stipend amount ($1100) after they have processed your order.
  9. In the P.O. Number/Description area, enter your Full Name in the Additional Details section.
  10. Click Review Your Order
  11. Then click Place Order

Purchase a Laptop Without Using Your Laptop Stipend

Please contact our CDW-G Representative at or (312) 547-2085 to discuss a custom order.

Need Help?

Please contact the ITS Helpdesk for assistance: or 507-222-5999. We will connect you with the people who can answer your questions.

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