Carleton offers a laptop stipend for students with demonstrated financial need.
Select a Laptop
Visit the CDW-G Portal (link opens in a new tab)
- Click Sign In at the top of the website
- Click Sign Into Your Account
- Unless you know your password, click Forgot Password to get a link that will allow you to reset your password:
- Username: [your Carleton email address]
- Email Address: [your Carleton email address]
- When you're in the portal, select Saves & Favorites from the navigation section
- Select Bundles
- Select the bundle you would like to purchase
- The bundles with Base in the name will be available at no cost to you.
Purchase a Laptop Using Your Laptop Stipend ONLY
- Verify that the options are satisfactory on your selected bundle and then click Buy Now
- Enter your preferred shipping address
- Click Continue
- For Shipping Method, click Edit
- Select your delivery options
- Your Billing Address should be
Carleton College (#13112310)
1 N College St
Northfield, MN 55057 4001
- Your Payment Method should be Net Terms
- In the P.O. Number/Description area, enter your Full Name in the Additional Details section.
- Click Review Your Order
- Then click Place Order
Purchase a Laptop Using Your Laptop Stipend Plus Personal Funds
- Verify that the options are satisfactory on your selected bundle and then click Buy Now
- Enter your preferred shipping address
- Click Continue
For Shipping Method, click Edit
- Select your delivery options
- Your Billing Address should be
Carleton College (#13112310)
1 N College St
Northfield, MN 55057 4001
- Your Payment Method should be New Credit/Debit Card
- Enter your credit card information
- Despite the warning, you will be able to complete this purchase even though your personal billing address and the billing address for this order do not match.
- There will be a temporary hold on your credit card for the full amount of your purchase for up to 48 hours. CDW-G will refund the laptop stipend amount ($1100) after they have processed your order.
- In the P.O. Number/Description area, enter your Full Name in the Additional Details section.
- Click Review Your Order
- Then click Place Order
Purchase a Laptop Without Using Your Laptop Stipend
Please contact our CDW-G Representative at or (312) 547-2085 to discuss a custom order.
Need Help?
Please contact the ITS Helpdesk for assistance: or 507-222-5999. We will connect you with the people who can answer your questions.