Moodle: Extra Credit in the Gradebook


Extra credit grade items can be used to give students the opportunity to make up for lost points within a grade category or item. 

Setting a Moodle Activity as Extra Credit 

  1. Create and configure the activity (see Moodle: Assignment Basics for more information)  
  2. Once the activity is set up, go to the front page of your course and click Grades tab 
  3. In the Grader Report dropdown, click and choose the Gradebook setup option 
  4. Click the 3 dots in the same row as the desired activity and choose Edit grade item 
  5. Toward the bottom of the screen, click the Extra credit checkbox 
  6. Click Save changes 

Creating an Extra credit grade item 

  1. Go to the Grades tab of your course 
  2. In the Grader Report dropdown, click and choose the Gradebook setup option 
  3. Click Add grade item at the top of the screen, next to the dropdown 
  4. Configure the grade item (learn how in the Setting up the Gradebook article)
    1. Note: The maximum point value you choose here will be the total possible amount of extra credit points.
  5. Toward the bottom of the screen, click the Extra credit checkbox 
  6. Click Save changes 


If you need further assistance or have specific questions that aren't covered in this article, please don't hesitate to reach out for personalized support by submitting a Moodle Support ticket


Created by Aleksander Prasolov '24, 6/20/23, updated by Charlie Roslansky ‘24, 11/22/23. 



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