A refreshing computer is a computer that discards all changes that the user makes when they log off. Refreshing computers provide a more stable environment in high-traffic areas. Because all changes made to the computer are discarded on log off, any permanent changes need to be applied by ITS.
Find Labs and Software
Information about where a lab is, its available, and its software is now available at: https://ks.carleton.edu:9443/ (VPN Required)
Software lists will continue to update as computers check in with the system.
Labs with key specialized software
CarlTech Note: Additional lab information available here.
Remote Labs
For information on REMOTELAB Computers, check out the REMOTELABS: Quick Start Guide
Instructor Stations
Instructor Stations are like refreshing computers generally in front of the room for Faculty and Staff to use.
When you log out of the macOS side of Refreshing Instructor Stations, any changes to the user space (Desktop, Downloads Folder, Web Browser History, User Preferences) are discarded.
macOS Refreshing Instructor Stations also refresh the entire Macintosh HD around 1 a.m. The macOS Refreshing Instructor Stations receive new or updated software packages when the computer is logged out of. To request a change to Refreshing Lab Computers, please contact the Help Desk.
The Window side of Refreshing Instructor Stations only receive updates during Winter and Spring Break. However, on the Windows side of Refreshing Instructor Stations, you can install any application you need. It will disappear when you log out.
Panopto recordings that have not finished uploading are preserved when Refreshing Instructor Stations reboot.