Sangoma (Desk) Phone
To place a call on campus:
- Dial 4 digit extension and hit send.
To place an off-campus call:
- Dial all 10 digits (area code + exchange + NXXX) ex. 507-786-3xxx or 952-xxx-xxxx. Do not dial a leading 9; it is not needed.
- Long distance calls do not require a 1.
- International calls require the country code.
To transfer a call:
- While on the call, press the TRNF button, enter the extension of the person you want to transfer the call to and press TRNF again.
To add a person to a call (3-way calling, conference calling):
- While on the call with one party, press the CONF button, call a second person and press CONF again for all 3 to be connected.
To Forward your extension:
NOTE: You can forward to a cell phone or other number off-campus; however, the called ID will look different when you receive a forwarded call.
- *96 send
- System will ask for the number to forward to (XXXX) and then press #.
- To cancel the forward, press *96 send.
To toggle Do Not Disturb (DND) mode:
- *76 send
- The system will confirm that you have turned DND on or off.
- *76 send again to toggle DND on/off.
Zulu softphone
To place a call on campus:
- Select the keypad icon, which will bring up the keypad.
- Dial the 4 digit extension, the phone icon will turn green and the call will be placed once you click the handset button.
To place an off-campus call:
- Dial all 10 digits (area code + exchange + NXXX) ex. 507-786-3xxx or 952-xxx-xxxx. Do not dial a leading 9; it is not needed.
- Long distance calls do not require a 1.
- International calls require the country code.
To transfer a call:
- While on the call, select the three dot icon by the search bar, and select Transfer.
- In the green box, enter the extension to transfer to.
- Click the button next to the original call to complete the transfer (circle with an arrow).
To change your status (Available, Chat, Away, DND, XA, or Unavailable):
- Select the status listed next to your name in the upper left hand corner.
- In the small window that pops up, select the arrow next to the status and select from the list of options.
To Forward your extension:
NOTE: You can forward to a cell phone or other number off-campus; however, the called ID will look different when you receive a forwarded call.
- Select the keypad icon, which will bring up the keypad.
- *96 and then the green handset icon.
- System will ask for the number to forward to (XXXX).
- To cancel the forward: *96 and then the green handset icon.
To toggle Do Not Disturb (DND) mode:
- Select the keypad icon, which will bring up the keypad.
- *76 and then the green handset icon. The system will confirm that you have turned DND on or off.
- To cancel the forward: *76 and then the green handset icon.