What is an Assignment folder?
A Panopto Assignment Folder is a special folder within Panopto when embedded in a Moodle course. Assignment Folders enable students to record and upload their own recordings. In most cases, only you and your instructors will be able to view your recordings, but not your fellow students. It is possible for an instructor to make your recordings visible to others, but they should tell you if they plan to do this.
Where to find the Assignment Folder
If Panopto has been enabled in your course, you should see a link to "Panopto Course Videos". The link may have a different name, but it will have the Panopto icon as part of the link.
When you follow the link a view into the Panopto course folder will open up within your Moodle course.

In the Panopto folder view you will see a folder with the course name followed by the words "Assignment Folder". That's the default, but it may be called something else. In the illustration above, the assignment folder has the name "Music 162 student uploads".
A red dot on a Panopto folder icon indicates that you have the ability to make a recording in that folder.
Making a recording
Once in the Assignment folder, click the Create button to create or upload a recording.

To make a recording directly from Panopto, select either the Panopto Recorder (requires install) or Panopto Capture (browser-based). We recommend you start with Capture. No need to install software if Capture works fine for you.
Here are some instructions on using Capture. You are also welcome to use Recorder for Mac or Windows if you prefer.

You can also upload recordings made using other recording software. Just use the Upload Media option, then click Choose video or audio files.

If you start a recording or upload from the create menu within the student uploads folder, that will be the default location for the saved recording.
This is the view in Panopto Capture when you've finished a recording. It’s a good idea to double check that the recording will go into the right folder.

Using mobile apps for making and uploading recordings
It is also possible to use the Panopto IOS or Android mobile app to make and upload recordings. With the app, you have the choice of recording within the app or uploading a recording you’ve made with your camera app.
First click My Stuff to locate the upload folder for your course (in this case Music 162 student uploads). Next click the + sign to add a recording.

Then select Record a video to make a recording using the Panopto app (10 minute limit) or click Upload media to upload a recording you made using your camera app.
Here is a video on using the Panopto mobile app to upload recordings.