Flipgrid is a free, convenient tool for creating and sharing video discussions. Accounts are free to create for educators, and students do not need to create an account to participate in a Flipgrid topic. Signing up for an account is an easy 3-step process.
Creating your account
Go to flipgrid.com and click on Educator Signup in the top right corner.
![Screen capture of Flipgrid sign up link](https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/e/2PACX-1vTgCsIr8LUuLCo6EE9PR07WkwPosLDAKk1KiKu88LBm8ojhIE5mtbg_2ak54-9LvkBPd5nROTfob5Sd/pub?w=953&h=194)
From the Educator Sign Up page, select Sign up with Google to proceed, and select your St. Olaf Google account.
![Screen capture of Flipgrid sign in page](https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/e/2PACX-1vSHkLbkbwhsiaxAlxCTiymepwTkSV77x50zoAeO7AFoLDgiMQEBP8mI0LHtrFd7BUcKj9QqyAPIlsi9/pub?w=710&h=338)
Enter the following information to complete your account setup:
- Name
- Country/Region
- Age of your learners
- Date of birth
- Click Let’s Go! to finish your setup.
![Screen capture of Flipgrid info page](https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/e/2PACX-1vRqB3Ffcl8bNsMb7PRDQ8BmXdmJ_a58ejXbcuXrRCQ3kOi6oM4iZ5tLFkJIgU66Lp5BwQ3RyupOVaM2/pub?w=490&h=521)
Click Let's Go! to proceed to create your first Topic. Follow the links below to knowledge base articles on Flipgrid: