Manually Upload Zoom Recordings to Panopto

To save Zoom recordings in Panopto instead of the Zoom cloud, a link can be set up in order to send recordings to Panopto. In the event that there is an issue with the link, recordings can be downloaded from Zoom and uploaded to Panopto manually. Any recordings made before the link was established will also have to be manually uploaded.

If you do not have the link and would like to save Zoom recordings in Panopto, contact the IT Helpdesk. The link is available on request.

Manually Upload Recordings to Panopto

Log into Zoom - in the Personal menu on the top right, click on Recordings

In the Cloud Recordings section, search for the recording that you would like to download. If there were multiple views (gallery view, speaker view, a screenshare, etc) during the session, there may be multiple options in the list to download. Click on the different options to see the views.

Once the preferred version is selected (ex: Shared screen with gallery view in the screenshot below), click on the download button. The button will appear as the cursor hovers over it.

For longer recordings (30 minutes or more), it may take a while for the recording to download.

Once the download is finished, log into Panopto

On the top menu, click on the green Create button and select Upload Media.

In Add files to, select the folder where the recording should be saved. Drag and drop the file into the box.

Panopto will process the recording and make it available for editing or to share.