Single Sign-On Request



For Single Sign-On requests including:

  • Setting up SSO with a new hosted service
  • Updating an existing SSO integration with a hosted service

Common request descriptions:

  • The college just purchased "Application X" and we want to streamline how logging on works
  • We discovered that "Application Y" can use SSO, but it doesn't now. How do we move forward?

More Information

Carleton has licensed a number of software services for use by the campus community. Some of these are available to large sections of the campus, while others support the work of individual offices or departments. As a rule, in order to do useful work for the college these services need to tie in to campus logins (usually Single Sign On, aka SSO) and they need to know at least some Carleton data for which some other college information system is authoritative. The data is often information about people (students, faculty, staff, alumni), although it can also be about buildings, courses, finances, and other things not specific to any individual.


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