Google Groups: Using Grouper to Adjust Automated Google Groups

Grouper allows Grouper group managers to create exceptions to automated google groups, adding or removing people from the automated list.

Manually Adding and Removing Members from an Automatically-Populated Google Group

This process does NOT work for Course Email Lists. Please see the article on email lists at Carleton for information on managing membership in Course-based email lists.

For all other automated email lists:

  1. Log into Grouper (link opens in a new tab)  - You must be on campus or on the VPN (link opens in a new tab) to access Grouper
  2. Select My Groups from the sidebar
  3. Under Group Name, look for one of the following to adjust automatic membership
    • GroupName_allow_manual to list people who should be added to an automated group
    • GroupName_deny_manual to list people who should be removed from an automated group
  4. Open the allow_manual or deny_manual group and review the group description (text under the group title) and current membership
  5. Click the + Add Members button near the group title to add a member to this allow or deny group
  6. In the Member name or ID field, search for the person by name, username, or ID number
  7. Optional: add a start date and/or end date for temporary exceptions
    Be sure to follow the yyy/mm/dd hh:mi am/pm format exactly
  8. Click the Add button below the End Date field
  9. Wait for 1 hour
  10. Log into Google Groups (link opens in a new tab)
  11. Open the group you've edited using Grouper
  12. Click on Members in the left-hand navigation area
  13. Review the membership to check that the updates you made in Grouper are reflected in your Google Group
  14. Optional: update the Role column as necessary
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