Troubleshooting: Zoom Error "Host has another meeting in progress"

If one person is the host of overlapping meetings, and if that host joins the first meeting, participants in the second meeting will see the error "Host has another meeting in progress" and will not be able to join the meeting even if this host has the option set to allow participants to join before the host.

Solution Options

If the host will not attend the first meeting at all:

If the host will attend the first meeting:

If you are not in concurrent meetings but get this message

Need Help?

ITS cannot change Zoom's internal behavior. However, we're happy to help you troubleshoot your specific zoom meetings. Please contact the ITS Helpdesk for assistance: or 507-222-5999.

We will need to know specifics about the times and dates of the meetings that were impacted, who was the host, and what options above you tried.

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