On occasion, ThreatDown (aka Malwarebytes) can consume too much space on Mac computers, resulting in sudden and unexpected warnings that the hard drive has run out of space even though the hard drive previously had plenty of storage space available.
- Check to make sure that your hard drive is being consumed by "system data" (if it's being consumed by other types of data then Malwarebytes is unlikely to be the root cause of the problem)
- Click on the Apple Menu
- Select About This Mac
- Select the Storage tab
- Wait for your computer to finish analyzing its storage, at which point the system data will be the gray chunk on the right. Every computer is different, but in general your system data will be less than half of your total storage allocation.
- Open the Terminal application (click on Applications > Utilities > Terminal)
- Copy and paste in the following command into Terminal and then hit Enter
sudo launchctl stop com.malwarebytes.agent.daemon
- Copy and paste in the following command into Terminal and then hit Enter
cd /Library/Application\ Support/Malwarebytes/Malwarebytes\ Endpoint\ Agent/Data/EDRWork/
- Copy and paste in the following command into Terminal and then hit Enter
sudo rm -f FRCoreDB
- Copy and paste in the following command into Terminal and then hit Enter
sudo launchctl start com.malwarebytes.agent.daemon
- Restart your computer