Outlook: Syncing with your Carleton Google Account (Calendar and Email)

Carleton uses the Google Workspace suite of tools as our primary tools for email, calendars, contacts, etc.

If you prefer to use Microsoft Outlook, here's how to set that up to sync with Carleton's Google suite.


  1. If you don't have it already, you can install Outlook on through Carleton's Microsoft Office installation process
  2. Download and install the Google Workspace Sync for Microsoft Outlook tool (link leads to step by step guide and download links)
    • You will need your .\admin username and password. If you don't remember these, please contact the ITS Helpdesk at x5999
    • Google offers both a .exe and a .msi download option. Both should work on Windows 11, but if one doesn't, try the other.
  3. When you launch the GWSMO tool and log in with your Carleton email address, you will be presented with a choice to Import your data or just create a new profile. Select Create Profile. Do NOT select Import Data from an Existing Profile.
  4. the GWSMO tool will now prompt you to open Outlook and begin the syncing process.


  • Simply sign in with your full Carleton email address when starting Outlook and all your email and calendars will be available in Outlook.
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