Microsoft Office: Uninstalling

Uninstalling Microsoft Office


  1. Right-click on the Start Menu and select Apps & Features
  2. Click on Microsoft Office Professional Plus and click Uninstall
  3. You may be prompted for a username and password to uninstall. The username is .\admin and the password is something you would have set when you received your computer from ITS. If you don't know your .\admin password, contact the ITS Helpdesk to have this password reset.

There are times when this is insufficient for Windows computers, in which case you can use the uninstallation tool for MSI versions of Office that's available here.


  • Microsoft maintains instructions for this process
    • After following Microsoft's instructions:
    • In Finder, press The Command button. + Shift + g.
    • In the window that opens, enter /Library/Preferences/
    • Find the file and use ctrl + click to Move to Trash

Re-installing Microsoft Office

Typically, people uninstall Office in order to repair a problem. If you intend to re-install Office, here are instructions for that:

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