Contact the IT Helpdesk

Phone: 507-786-3830

In Person: Rolvaag Memorial Library 353

Welcome to our IT Helpdesk ticketing system! 

Through this self-service site, you can request assistance and find answers to your IT questions. 

Find Answers

Our Knowledge Base is a collection of how-to information, steps and guidance to help you find the answers you need. If you aren't sure how to do something, this is the place to visit. 

Request Help

Our Service Catalog is an organized collection of services. It provides a single location for you to browse and search for available services provided by Information Technology. You can view a description of the service, eligibility information, a list of related services and articles, and how to access or create a request for that service.

Helpdesk Hours

January Term Break Hours

Saturday February 1 CLOSED
Sunday February 2 CLOSED
Monday (2/3) - Wednesday (2/5) 8:00am - 5:00pm

Normal Academic Year Hours

Sundays 1:30pm - 11pm
Monday - Thursday 7:45am - 11pm
Fridays 7:45am - 5pm
Saturdays CLOSED