Search27 Results

Services or Offerings?
For help with access to the Catalyst catalog, library databases, or your library account.

Submit questions about your library research or for help finding and using library resources.

To reserve a DVD for in-class screening on a specified date.

To request a borrower’s card or “Bridge Community Card.” These cards provide borrowing privileges to the libraries of the Bridge Consortium: St Olaf Libraries and Carleton’s College’s Gould Library.

Report an issue accessing an area of our buildings or collections.

Request to sponsor and curate a physical book display on behalf of a student club or organization.

Inquire about materials you'd like to donate to Special Collections.

Inquire about materials you'd like to donate to the College Archives.

Report an issue with the Elevator digital collections platform or your Elevator access.

Request a new Elevator digital collections site, get help creating, organizing, or sharing items in Elevator, or discuss ways to use Elevator in your teaching or research.

Report an issue with installing or using EndNote or Zotero.

Report a concern or question regarding the physical space in Rolvaag Library or Halvorson Music Library.

For any questions or concerns relating to overdue fees and replacement charges.

Request help finding an item that appears to be missing from its location in the library.