CarlSites: Adding Items in Omeka

Tags omeka


Before uploading any items, you’ll want to have at least one collection and know which one you want to upload the items to. To view current collections, select “Collections'' on the side menu.

Adding Items

Once you’ve created a collection,select Items on the side menu, and then press Add an Item. You will notice that you now have a variety of tabs. You can find a brief overview of each one and its purpose below:

  • Dublin Core
    • A standardized metadata schema. This element set is common to all Omeka records and has a variety of slots for attributes you will most likely want to include, such as: title, description, creator, source, contributor, and so on.
  • Item Type Metadata
    • A set of metadata fields that correspond to your item type, such as: a still image, a moving image, a text, a physical object, or even a website.
  • Files
    • A tab for uploading your item files, such as images, videos, files, etc.
  • Tags
    • This tab provides a field for all the tags you may want to give your item. These are essentially keywords that are used to link different items. Enter your keywords (tags) in the textbox provided, separating terms by commas. After you’ve added the keywords, press “Add Tags.”
  • Map
    • A map which allows you to add the coordinates for your item by using the “Find a Location by Address” field and clicking on find.

In order to add your item you will want to go through these tabs and fill in the appropriate fields for your item.

Once you’ve filled in all the appropriate fields, you’ll be able to click on Add Item on the right hand side of your screen to finish the item. Prior to doing so though, you will want to make sure to Select a Collection and Decide on whether or not to make the item public and or featured (on your site).


If you have any questions or would like to know more, submit a ticket and an Academic Technologist can help you.


Created by Mauricio I. Reyes Villanueva ‘25, 02/06/24

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