Poll Everywhere: Log in issue on the PE website (SSO-related)

For any faculty, student, or staff member at Carleton, you should be able to directly log into your Poll Everywhere (PE) account at www.polleverywhere.com, and you will be asked to sign into our Single Sign-On (SSO), or you can reach out to Don Vosburg (dvosburg) for a direct invite. However, there are at times an issue connecting to our Carleton account if you previously had a free account with PE connected with your verified Carleton email address. If this happens to you, you should see this warning pop up, indicating you are not on an account that is SSO-enabled:

Warning: You are not on an account that is SSO enabled.

To get this remedied, you will need to:

  • Contact customer support via email at: support@polleverywhere.com

  • Customer support at Poll Everywhere is the only group that has the ability to correct this account-level error

They will verify your name and Carleton email address, and shift your old free account, to the new Carleton enterprise account. 


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