Poll Everywhere: Attendance Management

Poll Everywhere now has a new Attendance Management setting which automatically tracks attendance of participants based on locations you select.  Once a location is set, the next time a participant attempts to answer one of your Poll Everywhere activities, they will be prompted to 'Check-in' by sharing the location of the personal device they are currently using.

Please note: This option does require geolocation to be turned on in order to track and take attendance via participants' personal devices (ex. smartphone, laptop, tablet). Some may not be comfortable with this option, and as always, tracking attendance via personal devices may not always be accurate (ex. a student forgets their personal device, but still attends class). Additionally, students can opt to skip the 'Check-in' process. They can still participate in answering the activity, but Poll Everywhere may mark their attendance as a zero.

How do I activate this feature?

  1. Log into Poll Everywhere
  2. Go to your activities page, and you will now see an Attendance Management option to the right of Pinned Activity
  3. Click on Settings on the Attendance Management button
    1. Alternatively, you can click on your profile, then select Attendance from the sidebar that appears
  4. Click on the toggle switch to 'on' under Geolocation
  5. Set location(s)
    1. You may receive a pop-up asking to access your device's location. For setting an attendance location for your participants, you do not need to share your location. It is only helpful if the place you are currently in, is also the palace your participants will be.

For more detailed instructions with images, please review the Poll Everywhere - Getting started with attendance management for instructors documentation.


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