Password Recovery Options Setup

If you know your password, completing these steps will allow you to change your password (link opens in a new tab) even if you forget it at some point in the future.

If you have forgotten your password and have not previously setup either of these options, see the page on changing your password (link opens in a new tab).

Setting Up an Alternate Email (Highly Recommended!)

  1. Go to (link opens in new tab)
  2. Login with your Carleton credentials (username and password)
  3. Click Update Profile
  4. Enter your alternate email or emails (you can enter up to 2).
  5. Click Update
  6. Click the logout button in the top right corner of the page

NOTE: The ITS Helpdesk is unable to see the alternate email address that you have entered.

Setting Up Mobile Device Authentication

  1. Go to (link opens in new tab)
  2. Login with your Carleton credentials (username and password)
  3. Click Setup Mobile App Authentication (you will need to enter your password again)
  4. Follow the on-screen instructions
  5. Click Continue
  6. Enter the verification code from your device.
  7. Click Check Code
  8. Copy down the Recovery Codes provided in case of future need
    1. If you get a new phone, you will need to delete the previous authenticator on (link opens in new tab)
    2. Click Setup Mobile App Authentication (you will need to enter your password again)
    3. Click Delete/Change Mobile Device
    4. Click OK
    5. Setup your new phone with the instructions above

NOTE: The ITS Helpdesk cannot see or manage the alternate mobile device you set up, even if it is Duo.

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