ArcGIS: Copying Files to another ArcGIS Online Account

Whether you're leaving Carleton or have other reasons to transfer your ArcGIS files to a different account, here is how you can copy your Carleton ArcGIS files to another account.

Copying Files to Another ArcGIS Online Account

  1. Go to the ArcGIS Online Assistant
  2. Log in with your Carleton ArcGIS Online account
  3. Select the task you want to perform: Copy Content
  4. Select the option for Another Account
  5. Follow the prompts to log into your other ArcGIS Online account and copy your content
NOTE: This tool DOES NOT copy pictures if the pictures are saved with Web maps or apps, as opposed to uploaded as an item (if you don't see the picture in your content list, it is not uploaded as an item). To retrieve pictures saved with Web maps and apps, find the URLs for the pictures and download the pictures. The pictures will be deleted with the Web maps and apps when your files are deleted.
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